Landing  June 25, 2024
The joys we treasure  June 7, 2024
Rofmia backpack thoughts, part 1  May 21, 2024
Where we go  May 11, 2024
North Face Base Camp Duffel thoughts, part 1  April 20, 2024
Language of life  April 16, 2024
Weekends away  March 29, 2024
Healing and forgetting  March 20, 2024
Clothes remembered  February 29, 2024
Another strange night  January 27, 2024
Welcome to:  January 17, 2024


Places I slept, 2023  December 31, 2023
Tradition  December 27, 2023
Walking thoughts  December 19, 2023
Between Batam and the world  November 23, 2023
Fall ahead  November 10, 2023
Walking borders once again  October 8, 2023
With the wind as soundtrack  September 29, 2023
The length of life  September 15, 2023
Two inches  August 31, 2023
In green land  August 8, 2023
What reverberates  July 26, 2023
Here and then gone  June 24, 2023
You said something  May 25, 2023
Lights go out  May 7, 2023
Sleep when  April 22, 2023
Considering the benefits  April 12, 2023
In an alley  March 13, 2023
Looking at us  February 22, 2023
Through America  January 31, 2023


Places I slept, 2022  December 31, 2022
With new eyes wide  December 30, 2022
From Shinjuku with a view  December 23, 2022
Never your mind  November 18, 2022
Patience for me  October 18, 2022
New old views  September 18, 2022
Finding freedom  August 29, 2022
Faith in each other  August 9, 2022
First days  July 17, 2022
Mostly unprepared  July 6, 2022
Outward bound, again  May 21, 2022
A way to see  April 26, 2022
Ahead of us  April 8, 2022
For later  March 25, 2022
Shaped by people  March 13, 2022
Enjoy the dark days  February 28, 2022
Change  February 13, 2022
Various positions  January 27, 2022


Places I slept, 2021  December 31, 2021
A longer view  December 26, 2021
Quick rituals  December 15, 2021
New philosophies  November 26, 2021
Something to share  October 30, 2021
Typhoon days  October 13, 2021
New neighborhoods  September 26, 2021
Bagels and milk tea  September 4, 2021
Empty windows  August 15, 2021
Looking down  July 19, 2021
California light  July 5, 2021
Hospitals  June 25, 2021
Scant busy days  June 22, 2021
Inside looking out  June 9, 2021
Make time  May 19, 2021
Until tomorrow  May 3, 2021
The person we meant to be  April 16, 2021
With low light  April 3, 2021
The future of the future  March 6, 2021
The growth of worry  February 18, 2021
Explicit caution  January 31, 2021
Listening to years past  January 17, 2021


Places I slept, 2020  December 31, 2020
Dedication  December 6, 2020
Hope in the world  November 14, 2020
Walking in the rain  October 26, 2020
Shape  October 8, 2020
We float  September 13, 2020
All we can see  August 23, 2020
Saturated  August 10, 2020
Reprieve  August 2, 2020
Saying goodbye  July 9, 2020
In and out of conversations  June 21, 2020
Parked car  June 11, 2020
The restaurant downstairs  May 28, 2020
Morning hours  May 5, 2020
Back to the Mac, part 3  April 25, 2020
Between day and night  April 23, 2020
Future imperfect  April 10, 2020
Interesting times  April 1, 2020
Fear not  February 24, 2020
Prepare the body, shelter the mind  February 9, 2020
Long loops  January 30, 2020


Places I slept, 2019  December 31, 2019
New traditions  December 25, 2019
New metrics  December 2, 2019
Passing through  November 9, 2019
Sickness and work  October 31, 2019
One year  October 18, 2019
Off hours  September 25, 2019
Waiting for the train  September 10, 2019
Worth remembering  August 25, 2019
Shanghai again, together  July 31, 2019
Temporary crossings  July 19, 2019
Long ago and in another country  June 12, 2019
On the road  June 1, 2019
Keep contact  May 16, 2019
Slim hope  April 11, 2019
Fast or slow  March 28, 2019
Hideaway  March 10, 2019
Rituals reshaped  January 30, 2019
20 hours  January 18, 2019


Places I slept, 2018  December 31, 2018
The global language  December 17, 2018
Eyes open heart wide  November 30, 2018
Fishing for peace  November 4, 2018
Ease of operation  October 11, 2018
Get moving  September 15, 2018
Fur drifting  August 5, 2018
Seeing the future  July 7, 2018
Heat rising  May 28, 2018
Naps  April 22, 2018
Construction crews  March 9, 2018
Been there twenty years  January 27, 2018


Places I slept, 2017  December 31, 2017
Visiting weekends  December 10, 2017
Years go by  November 12, 2017
Outlier Ultrahigh Rolltop Backpack thoughts, part 1  September 30, 2017
Finding comfort  September 24, 2017
On the river  August 27, 2017
Closing time  July 23, 2017
Commuting lives  June 25, 2017
Across the city  May 26, 2017
Gaps between  May 7, 2017
Sails raised  April 12, 2017
Past waiting  March 15, 2017
Healing time  February 20, 2017
Trading neighbors  January 28, 2017


Places I slept, 2016  December 31, 2016
Barely attached  December 27, 2016
Moods of light  December 16, 2016
Just one  November 22, 2016
Pattern the mind  October 31, 2016
Sounds relaxing  October 16, 2016
Teach a body  September 21, 2016
Last days  September 1, 2016
Wandering Star  July 26, 2016
Carrying future  July 12, 2016
Conbini  July 2, 2016
Personal monuments  June 12, 2016
Interstitial weeks  May 27, 2016
Haneda mornings  May 10, 2016
Chocolate cake  April 21, 2016
Winding roads  March 27, 2016
Always be holding  March 5, 2016
On location  February 16, 2016
Making do  February 1, 2016
Repetition and growth  January 24, 2016


Places I slept, 2015  December 29, 2015
California rain  December 24, 2015
The distance of friendship  November 29, 2015
California drives  November 11, 2015
Gray skies and hotel windows  October 25, 2015
Open doors  October 12, 2015
Twelve paws  September 20, 2015
The changing weather  September 18, 2015
Make few plans  September 1, 2015
Upstate  August 22, 2015
Weekends off  July 25, 2015
Rattling bottles  July 11, 2015
Casual beauty  June 21, 2015
Time away  May 31, 2015
Torn between  May 18, 2015
Industry worlds  April 13, 2015
Chance meetings  March 29, 2015
Weekends without hurry  March 8, 2015
Walking borders  February 11, 2015
Patagonia Stormfront Roll Top Boat Bag thoughts, part 1  February 11, 2015
Listening after dark  January 12, 2015


Places I slept, 2014  December 31, 2014
Napping creatures  December 31, 2014
The future in 2G  December 22, 2014
Jet lag  December 21, 2014
Building forever  November 30, 2014
Just around the corner  October 25, 2014
Rise above  October 13, 2014
Apple Maps, China, and iOS 8  September 25, 2014
Downtown, by the train  September 15, 2014
Fireflies  August 31, 2014
Lucky to be alive  July 21, 2014
Injured travel  July 5, 2014
Capital F future  May 31, 2014
Life, interrupted  May 18, 2014
Picharpak Travel Wallet thoughts, part 1  March 11, 2014
Working to breathe  February 10, 2014
In cities we trust  February 2, 2014
The city enables  January 19, 2014


Places I slept, 2013  December 31, 2013
GR1 thoughts, part 1  December 29, 2013
As fast as possible  December 22, 2013
Walking the High Line  November 22, 2013
Fleeing the dark  November 11, 2013
Another decade  October 28, 2013
The nicest people  September 20, 2013
Remnants of previous inhabitants  August 25, 2013
Calm evenings  August 12, 2013
Finding Marun  August 8, 2013
Small job, big world  July 21, 2013
Directing ourselves  July 11, 2013
Back to the Mac, part 2  July 4, 2013
Back to the Mac, part 1  June 26, 2013
In transit  June 17, 2013
iOS 7 wishes, part 1  June 7, 2013
Build a home  May 28, 2013
Shanghai again, forever  April 30, 2013
Happy birthday  March 27, 2013
Once with effort  March 11, 2013
Three California moments  February 22, 2013
Biking with a cat, part 1  February 2, 2013
Accidental meaning  January 27, 2013
Rest  January 13, 2013


Places I slept, 2012  December 31, 2012
Treat each other  December 16, 2012
A letter to Apple part 1, iTunes Match  December 9, 2012
Scotland  November 26, 2012
The morning rush hour  November 2, 2012
Summer evenings  September 30, 2012
Cities of accident  September 28, 2012
Trucks  September 1, 2012
Turning over  August 11, 2012
Afloat  July 30, 2012
Homes belonging  July 10, 2012
Forgetting  June 30, 2012
Be not lost  June 23, 2012
The circle grows  June 1, 2012
Perfect city  May 19, 2012
Remembering these streets  April 29, 2012
Wild country  April 22, 2012
Glimpses of Shanghai  April 1, 2012
Out late  March 15, 2012
Wheels down  March 6, 2012
Living in public  March 1, 2012
They know your name  February 14, 2012
Habitats  January 27, 2012
Unpacking ourselves  January 13, 2012
Sunset farewell  January 3, 2012


Places I slept, 2011  December 31, 2011
Slow boat  December 17, 2011
iPhone 4S thoughts, part 1  December 17, 2011
The setting sun  November 14, 2011
Replaceability  November 14, 2011
The happening world  October 24, 2011
Minds fill  October 17, 2011
Readily available cures  September 24, 2011
Adidas Marun  September 10, 2011
Casual deletion  September 1, 2011
HKIA  August 21, 2011
To and fro  August 18, 2011
Humid country  August 1, 2011
Ubaldo Jimenez  July 23, 2011
Friends grow  July 18, 2011
When in clouds  June 23, 2011
Temperature variations  June 23, 2011
Cat variations  May 30, 2011
Boxes just the same  May 21, 2011
Letters to the FCC part 1, AT&T and T-Mobile  May 1, 2011
Unexpected life  April 25, 2011
Becoming one city  April 11, 2011
The weather of things  March 29, 2011
On brief vacation  March 13, 2011
Palm Pre 2 thoughts, part 2  February 24, 2011
Permanence  February 11, 2011
Feels like the future  February 1, 2011
Honda Fit thoughts, part 1  January 14, 2011
Palm Pre 2 thoughts, part 1  January 9, 2011
Limited visibility  January 9, 2011


Time to think  December 31, 2010
Places I slept, 2010  December 31, 2010
Get out of this country  December 13, 2010
Mobile  November 22, 2010
Bud Selig & the TSA  November 19, 2010
Out again  November 1, 2010
Where are we going?  October 18, 2010
The topography of people  October 17, 2010
Becoming American  September 27, 2010
Still standing  September 13, 2010
Problems with Translink/Clipper Card  August 25, 2010
Places of passion  August 25, 2010
How Apple gets it right  August 16, 2010
Gone running  August 11, 2010
The truth  August 4, 2010
We drive the PCH  July 22, 2010
iPhone 4 thoughts, part 4  July 16, 2010
Quiet people  July 14, 2010
iPhone 4 thoughts, part 3  June 25, 2010
iPhone 4 thoughts, part 2  June 25, 2010
iPhone 4 thoughts, part 1  June 24, 2010
We are the world  June 21, 2010
The iPhone 4 conundrum  June 14, 2010
Presidio housing  June 11, 2010
Dreaming of a President  May 20, 2010
Where you are  May 10, 2010
April again  April 20, 2010
Corporate confusion (choose your own adventure style)  April 15, 2010
Childlike eyes  April 10, 2010
Expanding the city  March 25, 2010
Welding protection  March 15, 2010
Letters to companies part 1, Palm  February 25, 2010
Remembering fear  February 23, 2010
She brings flowers  February 12, 2010
Justice Stevens tells the truth  January 25, 2010
Another winter  January 22, 2010
Just plain  January 12, 2010
Invent better  January 7, 2010


Places I slept, 2009  December 31, 2009
Comes an end  December 31, 2009
10 things I learned yesterday  December 23, 2009
Welcoming others  December 20, 2009
The test of a mobile’s keyboard  December 4, 2009
List of mobile phones I’ve used  December 4, 2009
Observing America part 1, cell phones  November 24, 2009
Letters to Mayors part 1, the N  November 24, 2009
Returning souls  November 20, 2009
Three business tactics  November 3, 2009
From far away  October 14, 2009
Letters to Senators part 2, health care  October 6, 2009
Irving in the dark  October 6, 2009
Familiar faces  October 1, 2009
Thoughts on words  September 18, 2009
Coming home  September 18, 2009
There comes a time  August 17, 2009
Letters to Senators part 1, text messaging  July 31, 2009
City sounds  July 20, 2009
Finding work  July 10, 2009
Interviewing cities  July 1, 2009
Foot traffic  June 17, 2009
Circus of cats  June 1, 2009
Our time is short  May 20, 2009
Lived in bars  May 1, 2009
Biking home after work  April 15, 2009
Summer ’99  March 26, 2009
Talking about the future  March 11, 2009
Growing up Watchmen  March 10, 2009
M83 and the album of 2008  March 3, 2009
Some days I party, some days I sleep  March 1, 2009
Unpacking and re  February 26, 2009
Heelys  February 18, 2009
Transient in all ways  February 8, 2009
Moving  January 28, 2009
Airports  January 7, 2009


Cabin air  December 26, 2008
Going somewhere  December 5, 2008
Future positions  November 21, 2008
A decade on  November 4, 2008
Home again  October 29, 2008
Squirrel tricks  October 8, 2008
Settling into weather  September 23, 2008
Flying home  September 2, 2008
Discoveries  August 11, 2008
When to go  June 28, 2008
Personal geographic  May 27, 2008
Rooftops, carts, and cats  May 5, 2008
Transitions  March 30, 2008
With wings  February 22, 2008


Shared eyes  December 5, 2007
Fall growth  October 21, 2007
Tokyo, two thousand seven  September 23, 2007
Sweat and storms  August 17, 2007
Whistle blow  July 12, 2007
Attending parking spaces  June 24, 2007
The last mile  May 13, 2007
Neighborhoods  April 1, 2007
In celebration, time  March 5, 2007
Months away, and back  January 30, 2007


Three bicycle moments  December 19, 2006
Counting smiles  November 12, 2006
Daegu lonely  October 8, 2006
The girl next door  September 27, 2006
Survived awaking  June 4, 2006